Lose Weight Fast Blogger
I lost weight fast by envisioning my success. I kept a constant picture before me to remind myself of the place I wanted to be. After setting my weight loss goal, I went to the store and bought a pair of size 10 pants, while I was still wearing a size 22 pants. I bought a size "small" blouse to go with those pants, even though I was still wearing a
size XXL blouse. I hung that outfit up on my mirror as a constant reminder of
where I wanted to be. As I worked towards loosing weight each day, I envisioned
myself wearing that outfit. I created a magazine picture with my face on the
body I would eventually have. I set that magazine picture as the wallpaper and
screensaver on my cellphone and computer, as a constant reminder of what I could
be if I just remained faithful...if I just stuck with my weight loss

None of the fat clothes I had in my closet  matched the vision that was in my head. So what did I do? I took all of my fat clothes, except two outfits to get me through the week, and I threw them all away. I didn't even GIVE them  away because I didn't want to sow that fat demon into anybody else's life.  By throwing away my fat clothes, I was making room for my skinny clothes. I made up my mind that I was not going to go out and by another size 22 anything. EVER!!! And even as I lost the weight, I still refused to go clothes shopping, because I did not want to buy a size 20 or an 18. A friend had to literally make me go buy a size 16 pants because my size 22 pants were literally falling off of me. But even then, I only bought ONE PAIR!!  I refused to invest any more money on clothes that did not match my

The only clothes that  I invested in before reaching my goal was work out gear. Looking fly while working out kept me motivated to work out even more. Now...you might not be able to throw away ALL of your fat clothes, especially if you have an office job and need office attire. However, you can get rid of MOST of them. By doing so, you are making room for the new clothes to fit your healthy body.  Anything that you have hanging in your closet that does not match the vision you have in your head IS A LIE and you need to get rid of it. Even the fat reflection that's staring back at you in the mirror is a lie. Look back at your reflection and call it a lie. That's not the real you! That's not who you were meant to be! You're better than that! Tell your reflection you are better than that! And then take the necessary steps to become the woman or man you are truly meant to be. You can do it! I believe in you! LET'S GO!!! Click
here to
get more free weight loss tips and advice.

P.S. - I don't know how many of you guys have ever heard of this ShowTime movie called "Lying To Be Perfect." It is an AWESOME & TOUCHING movie about overcoming obesity. This is a good movie for both women and men. I am posting a link to the movie below. I found it on YouTube. It's 1 hour & 24 minutes long. Hopefully, it touches your life the way that it touched mine. 

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